Host a Food and/or Fund Drive
Interested in holding a Food and/or Fund Drive for The Pantry? Individuals, corporations, schools, churches, community groups, and other organizations can sponsor a Food and Fund Drive for The Pantry! You can hold a Food and/or Fund drive to collect food and funds, just food or just funds!
Simply follow the 5 Easy Steps for A Successful Food and Fund Drive or the 3 Easy Steps for a Successful Fund Drive!
5 Easy Steps
for a Successful FOOD and FUND DRIVE
Fill Out
01. Registration
Fill out the registration form so we can acknowledge your efforts and provide tax receipts AND submit the form at least two weeks before your drive date. Whether you organize a Food and Fund Drive every year, or this is your first one, we ask that you complete our registration form each time.
02. Schedule Drop-Off
After submitting a registration form, you will receive a confirmation email from The Pantry within 48 hours. You will work with our team to schedule a donation drop-off date and time.
03. Promote and Inform
Create your own flyer or customize our Food & Fund Drive Flyer to promote your drive and explain how the donations are used. Include your company’s information.
Customize your flyer!
Update with The Pantry’s current needs list.
Include guidelines and add detail to ensure the collection is appropriate for our clients.
Create an online Crowd Fundraising. Then add your link and QR code to the flyer.
Purchase items through Amazon for quick and easy donations.
If you are sending the flyer digitally please add links to Pantry Needs, Donation Guidelines, and Amazon Wish List.
Drive Time!
04. Collect Donations
It’s drive time! Collect food and funds for The Pantry! Funds can be collected as cash, checks, on our website or through online crowd fundraising.
It’s a Wrap
05. Drop OFF
Drop off your food and monetary donations on your pre-scheduled drop-off date arranged with The Pantry in advance. We cannot accommodate unscheduled food donation drop-offs from food drives.
For questions regarding Food and Fund Drives email foodandfunddrives@franklinfoodpantry.org
3 Easy Steps for a Successful FUND DRIVE
Just do it!
01. Registration
There is no need to register for a fund drive.
02. Promote and Inform
Create your own flyer or customize our Fund Drive Flyer (click below) to promote your drive and explain how the donations are used.
Customize your flyer as follows:
- Add your company’s information
- To add online crowd fundraising click the Crowd Fund Button and add your Crowd Fundraising link and QR code to your flyer
It’s a wrap
03. Drop Off Donations
Drop off monetary donations during our normal business hours or schedule a time to drop off donations at donations@franklinfoodpantry.org.
For question regarding Fund Drives or Crowd Fundraising please reach out to donations@franklinfoodpantry.org
Food and Fund Drive Registration Form
Please fill out the form and we will be in touch to provide you with a list of our most current needs to best serve our neighbors!